Neuer Bigscreen

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Der neue Bigscreen ist da

Wer sich jetzt fragt “was ist ein Bigscreen” und “warum ist er neu”, ist wahrscheinlich zu neu in der Community oder es war ihm einfach egal. Long Story short, wir hatten auf der alten Website einen recht coolen Player der alles von Twitch schön weggeschnitten hat.

Der neue Bigscreen wird automatisch geöffnet wenn ihr oben rechts auf Stream klickt.

Das Design der darauf folgenden Website ist relativ schlicht gehalten und nichts was die Welt noch nicht gesehen hat. Das gute kommt aber noch.

Ich streame jetzt seit ca. einem Monat Dual auf YouTube und Twitch. Der YouTube Stream hat den Vorteil dass er zum einen eine bessere Qualität gegenüber Twitch ermöglicht und zum anderen keine Werbung ballert. Wieder eine eigene Website zu führen ermöglicht einem ganz schnell ein wenig Magic, in dem Fall verbinden wir das beste aus beiden Welten. Den YouTube Player/Stream und den Twitch Chat.

Kleine Technische Limitierung, wenn ich offline bin zeigt der Stream folgendes an:

Aber wer guckt mich schon wenn ich offline bin.

Spielerei oder coole Sache? Keine Ahnung müsst ihr entscheiden.
Ich versuche in letzter Zeit ein paar Dinge zu verbessern und hoffe das hier gefällt dem einen oder anderen.


  1. saletana says:

    Dear Jeffrey,

    Allow me to pen down a tale, a narrative woven with threads of digital sorrows and fleeting triumphs amidst the labyrinth of authentication barriers.

    Oh, the woe that befell upon my humble attempt to access thy revered portal through the gateway of Discord, a coveted key denied! Alas, the QR code, adorned with the promise of seamless entry, refused to unveil its secrets. Its squares and dots conspired in silent rebellion, mocking my earnest endeavors.

    Yet, undeterred by the betrayal of the elusive QR, I turned to the beacon of hope, the beacon adorned with numbers ever-changing. The duet of digits, a symphony of randomness, summoned forth a cacophony that resonated in the confines of my chamber, a tale of perseverance against the odds.

    Amidst the digital clamor, the victorious crescendo resonated – a triumphant pairing of numbers that granted passage. Lo and behold, the gates were unbarred, the fortress of authentication conquered!

    O, noble guardians of authentication, witness my ascent beyond the trials, where victory emerged from the tumultuous orchestra of pixels and numbers! Yet, let it be known, this victory is but a fleeting moment in the grand tapestry of online tribulations.

    With heartfelt gratitude for your noble guidance and humble tolerance, I remain ever in awe of the vicissitudes of the digital realm.

    Yours in digital persistence,


    1. blackhand69 says:

      Dear Saletana,

      Your missive, penned with the flair of a digital bard, reached me through the ethereal realms of electronic correspondence. I commend thee, noble compatriot, for thy valiant conquest in the treacherous lands of authentication!

      In kind, let me regale you with a tale from my own chronicles. ‘Twas a night swathed in the cloak of mystery, as I embarked upon a quest most daring. The Application Link, a foe shrouded in layers of encryption, stood before me, a Goliath in the land of bytes and bits.

      Armed with nothing but my wits and a trusty arsenal of cybersecurity tools, I plunged into the fray. The battle raged, a clash of algorithms and firewalls. Sparks of data flew like arrows in a medieval skirmish. With each keystroke, I parried the relentless attacks of nefarious forces lurking in the shadows of the internet, those yearning to clutch our precious emails in their greedy grasp.

      As dawn’s first light pierced the digital horizon, a triumphant moment emerged. The Application Link, once an impenetrable fortress, yielded under the relentless assault of my cyber weaponry. The emails, like treasures of old, were salvaged from the clutches of oblivion, safeguarded for our righteous cause.

      Let this victory be a testament to our unyielding spirit in the face of adversity. Together, we navigate the labyrinthine expanse of the digital domain, champions against the ceaseless tide of online perils.

      In the spirit of camaraderie and shared triumphs, I salute your tenacity and stand with you as a fellow guardian in our ongoing crusade. Onward we march, agents of digital valor, in the ever-evolving saga of the World Wide Web.

      Yours in cyber solidarity,


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